
He is mentioned in the Hebrew (Old Testament) Bible and the New Testament. According to the Bible, Timeline Terah was born in 2126 BC.

Terah’s father was Nahor, son of Serug, offspring of Shem. The family and several of their antecedents were polytheistic and believed in multiple gods.

Life Span. In the year 1921 B.C. Abraham was 75 years old when his father, Terah, passed away at 205 years of age as indicated in the book of Genesis. Consequently, Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born (205 -75 =130). The detail in Genesis 11:26 that says, “Terah lived seventy years and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran” (NKJV), cannot signify that Abraham (Abram) was born when Terah was just 70 years old. Rather, Abraham is listed first since it was through his seed that God would create a promised land a people and that the Messiah would arrive. Accordingly, Genesis 11:26 is highlighting his significance rather than his chronology.